Friday, April 22, 2011

It gets worse

Another update for the timeline, I think we can all appreciate just how bad it is that the entire human race only had six humans contribute to mathematics over the course of 100 years.

100 B.C.E.
Zenodorus (c. 100?? BCE?)
Posidonius (c. 135-c. 51)
Marcus Terentius Varro (116-27)
Zeno of Sidon (c. 79 BCE)
Geminus of Rhodes (fl. c. 77 BCE)
Cleomedes (c. 40? BCE?)


  1. Yeah math is so complex nowadays! Following and supporting.

  2. Mathematics is so complex and can be very abstract. I'm always impressed with those who are able to excel in mathematics.

  3. I don't think we should look down upon that, but rather look at those great nations supporting mathematics.

  4. The advanced stuff gets way too abstract to keep up on, unless you're dedicated to it.

  5. Math is overrated. I have a calculator in my phone.

  6. Indeed, but there contributions are the Major ones, and I'm very sure there have been much more people that contributed to developing other minor parts of these theories etc, but were not listed in history because they just weren't "major enough"

  7. Basically what Ed and Lucky said.

  8. I guess as we progress more and more the numbers grow as we as newtons says "stand on the shoulders of giants".

  9. im going to be honest and say i have no idea whats going on right now. maybe do a recap for us who are just joining your blog?

  10. i feel like those five were amazingly good.

  11. i feel like that this can't be correct... i mean how can there only be five. i mean what about the pascal? or pathogerous? but +1 follower

  12. I suppose those people who were into math were like literate aferican americans 200 years ago.

  13. It was all about business, law and entertainment those days... oh wait
